Butterfly and Pollinator Gardening

Center for Health & Wellbeing 2005 Mizell Ave, Winter Park

Join one of the passionate gardening experts from Fleet Farming as they covers the basics of setting up a pollinator garden. Create a beautiful garden space and support the natural wildlife in your area. Join passionate horticulturalist and Fleet Farming Manager Caroline Chomanics as she covers the basics of setting up a pollinator garden, including...

How to Go from Emotional Depletion to Renewal

Center for Health and Wellbeing 2005 Mizell Avenue, Community Conference Room B, Winter Park

Throughout the workshop, you'll learn the skills necessary for identifying emotions on the "Depletion to Renewal Grid," and other techniques Join us for “How to Go from Emotional Depletion to Renewal,” an enlightening experience where you'll discover the vital role emotions play in shaping your daily energy levels. Learn simple, practical techniques that take just...