Do you love birds? Would you like to reduce your yard upkeep costs? Do you want to recreate a native, beautiful habitat in your yard? There are many reasons to garden for birds – dig in with us as we share those reasons.
You’ll join Laura VonMutius, education manager of the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, in this virtual program to learn how growing bird-friendly plants will attract and protect the birds you love while making your space beautiful, easy to care for, and better for the environment. Plus, you’ll meet some live raptor ambassador birds up close and learn how they benefit from native plants!
By participating in this program, you can expect to learn:
- what a native plant is, how to find them and their importance.
- how native birds and native plants co-evolved and understand that both are necessary for each to thrive in the environment.
- what native plants are needed to have a full working ecosystem which supports the entire food chain up to apex predators like birds of prey.
- that having native plants in your yard saves you money and promotes a healthy atmosphere for humans and animals.
This program is presented by Laura VonMutius and is hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation in collaboration with Audubon Center for Birds of Prey.
How to join the Zoom Program:
Upon registration for this program, you will receive two emails:
- One email from Eventbrite: you can either disregard this email or save it for your records. No action needed with this message.
- One email from the Center for Health & Wellbeing: this email will contain your link to join the Zoom meeting. Simply select the link and the Zoom Meeting will launch. Please allow yourself five – 10 minutes before program start to launch Zoom and confirm your technology is properly working.
All CHWB Digital Education Programs are now presented with live captioning service. Please refer to your registration confirmation email for instructions on enabling live captions.
By participating in this program, you agree to the CHWB’s Gracious Space policy. Unless otherwise noted, all CHWB Digital Education programs hosted via Zoom are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing on If you prefer to be left out of the program’s recording, please leave your camera and microphone off for the duration of the program.
About the Program Presenter
Laura VonMutius is the Audubon Center’s education manager. She joined Audubon in February 2017, and hasn’t looked back. VonMutius grew up in Orlando and has a Bachelor of Science from Florida State University in Art Education, and she continues to create art in her free time. She started her career as an educator at SeaWorld and then the Central Florida Zoo, where was a Conservation Educator and Resident Artist. Through her years of being an educator, VonMutius has inspired children and adults alike to take part in conserving wildlife through her enthusiastic leadership at summer camps, programs for public, private and homeschool students, and special events.