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Meditation for Stress Relief (Webinar)

April 8, 2021 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 PM
Date & Time

April 8 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Event Types :
Join us for Meditations for Stress Relief (Webinar) on Thursday, April 8 at 7 PM.

What is meditation? Meditation is a choice. You are choosing to be present and aware of where you are and what you are doing now. It is a practice of training yourself to be attentive to this moment. Through practice, the mind settles down and stress is reduced significantly. With meditation offering so many beneficial habits and feelings like positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance, the reasons why you practice meditation are ultimately your choice. Make plans now to join Certified Mindfulness Coach and Meditation Instructor Camille Sacco in this interactive and introductory course on meditations for stress relief, where you will learn more about and practice meditation to ensure optimal relaxation.

This program is presented by Camille Sacco and is hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation.

How to join the Zoom Program:

Upon registration for this program, you will receive two emails:

• One email from Eventbrite: you can either disregard this email or save it for your records. No action needed with this message.

• One email from the Center for Health & Wellbeing: this email will contain your link to join the Zoom meeting. Simply select the link and the Zoom Meeting will launch. Please allow yourself five – 10 minutes before program start to launch Zoom and confirm your technology is properly working.

All CHWB Digital Education Programs are now presented with live captioning service. Please refer to your registration confirmation email for instructions on enabling live captions.

By participating in this program, you agree to the CHWB’s Gracious Space policy. Unless otherwise noted, all CHWB Digital Education programs hosted via Zoom are recorded and made available for on-demand viewing on WellbeingNetwork.org. If you prefer to be left out of the program’s recording, please leave your camera and microphone off for the duration of the program.

About Your Program Presenter

Camille Sacco is an American Institute of Health Care Professionals Mindfulness Coach and meditation instructor. She is also a graduate of the acclaimed Palouse Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course. Sacco is the author of two self-help books, “Hippiebanker: Bringing Peace, Love and Spirituality to the Workplace” based on her current role as a banker and meditation coach, and her latest book, “Firefly Culture: Illuminate Your Workplace by Tuning in to Mindfulness.” She leads classes and workshops on mindful meditations and her coaching sessions are infused with down-to-Earth guidance. She is both informative and fun in her approach. Her goal is to help people tap in to the wisdom of their soul by cultivating daily practices that will inspire confidence in the pursuit of living their lives with a higher purpose.

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