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IDEAS Hive: Soil Health and Climate Change

February 1, 2023 at 6:45 pm - 8:30 PM
Date & Time

February 1 | 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Event Types :
The monthly IDEAS Hive meetings allow experts from several different topics to educate you on environmental issues.

The state of our soil health in the United States directly correlates to the growing crisis of environmental degradation and climate change. Traditional farming practices and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers is destroying our soil, water, and biodiversity. By reverting to regenerative farming practices, we can work to reverse climate change and improve our agricultural output. Topsoil is an amazing carbon sink, and natural water filter. In this meeting we will be learning about its complex nature and how investing in regenerative practices locally and nationally, we can actively reverse the environmental degradation.

Special Note: Learning, engaging, and finding solutions. The monthly IDEAS Hive meetings allow experts from several different topics to educate you on environmental issues before inviting you to produce your own local solutions.

This program is presented by Wae Nelson and hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation in collaboration with IDEAS For Us.

About the Program Presenters

Wae Nelson, along with his wife Kathy, founded Florida Gardening Magazine in 1995 and successfully published it for 20 years. They finally sold it in 2014 and retired. Wae always had a love for the soil, and had become very concerned by how fast it was being destroyed, so he started looking for methods to slow this trend down. This resulted in a TEDX presentation intended as an introduction to biochar. Then he learned about regenerative agriculture and was hooked. Regen Ag is the result of very recent research, much of it being conducted in the last 10 years, and looks at ag in a whole new way. This new perspective has resulted in eliminating the need for fertilizer, herbicides, and insecticides while increasing yields. He now spends his time “getting the word out”.

About the Presenting Organization

IDEAS For Us brings in experts on environmental topics and allows them to educate our audience, equipping them with the knowledge they need to make innovative solutions to climate change. They then engage the audience in a conversation about how to solve these issues with localized action.

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