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IDEAS Hive: Rise Above Plastics: Stopping Plastic at its Source

October 5, 2022 at 6:45 pm - 8:30 PM
Date & Time

October 5 | 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Event Types :
The monthly IDEAS Hive meetings allow experts from several different topics to educate you on environmental issues.

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. What We Fight For: Plastic Pollution, Ocean Protection, Beach Access, Coastal Preservation and Clean Water.

The mission statement for the Surfrider Foundation’s Rise Above Plastics program includes advocating for the reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics. Source reduction is the Foundation’s primary goal and recycling is secondary. At its beach cleanups, the majority of the material removed from the beach is single-use plastic and Surfrider Foundation chapters often seek ways to recycle plastics and other materials that are not accepted in local curbside recycling programs.

The Surfrider Foundation first launched the Ocean Friendly Restaurants (OFR) program in 2013 with Surfrider’s Huntington Beach chapter. The OFR program quickly expanded throughout the U.S., becoming a nationally recognized program in 2018 and has recruited 750+ restaurants nationwide. The OFR program recognizes restaurants that are committed to cutting out wasteful single-use plastic and offer a simple, straightforward framework to help them make sustainable choices for our ocean. The result is a community of eco-conscious restaurants, activists, and patrons that support a healthy lifestyle not only for us but also for our planet. The larger the Surfrider Foundation grows its network of Ocean Friendly leaders, the more mainstream the concept of plastic-free becomes.

Special Note: Learning, engaging, and finding solutions. The monthly IDEAS Hive meetings allow experts from several different topics to educate you on environmental issues before inviting you to produce your own local solutions.

This program is presented by Nicole Smith and hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation in collaboration with IDEAS For Us.

About the Program Presenters

Nicole Smith: Ocean Friendly Restaurant Coordinator (Orlando Chapter – Surfrider Foundation)

About the Presenting Organization

IDEAS For Us brings in experts on environmental topics and allows them to educate our audience, equipping them with the knowledge they need to make innovative solutions to climate change. They then engage the audience in a conversation about how to solve these issues with localized action.

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