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Gardening 101 (Webinar)

January 4, 2023 at 11:00 am - 12:00 PM
Date & Time

January 4 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Event Types :
Join Fleet Farming to learn the basics of creating an edible garden, composting, seasonal planting, and maintenance to keep your garden full

The pursuit of goals in childhood and adolescence shapes our work ethic and behaviors into adulthood. The achievement of goals can be a significant moment for any child/teenager. Achieving success at any capacity during childhood instills lifelong lessons of hard work and goal-oriented decisions. However, the process of achieving goals is where misconstrued concepts of perfectionism can seep in and detrimentally affect a child’s mental health. The purpose of this workshop is to define perfectionism through a child/adolescent lens, to examine where these belief systems originate, and to observe the various ways these concepts manifest themselves.

This Workshop will focus on three main areas of influence on a child/teenager:

1. Social: peers, teachers, coaches, etc.

2. Family: parents, siblings, extended family

3. Personal: individual thoughts and feelings

How to join the Zoom Program:

Upon registration for this program, you will receive two emails:

  • One email from Eventbrite: you can either disregard this email or save it for your records. No action needed with this message.
  • One email from the Center for Health & Wellbeing: this email will contain your link to join the Zoom meeting. Simply select the link and the Zoom Meeting will launch. Please allow yourself five – 10 minutes before program start to launch Zoom and confirm your technology is properly working.

For troubleshooting and other Zoom-related questions, please email us at [email protected]

About the Presenters

This program will be presented by students enrolled in the Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling track in Counselor Education at Stetson University in DeLand. These students are focused on learning about how significant relationships influence individual experiences and directly and indirectly affect our well-being throughout life. This program will be offered under the guidance of their professor, Jacqui Williams, Ph.D., LMFT, Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Counselor Education. Stay tuned for specific biographies on this program’s presenters.

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