Welcome: A Note from Our Team

by admin
March 25, 2020

The Wellbeing Network, a joint production of the Winter Park Health Foundation and Growing Bolder, is proud to be sharing this Update as part of our new The Daily Well initiative launched in response to the COVID-19 forced closure of the Center for Health & Wellbeing (CHWB.) A virtual village of resources, digital programs, opportunities to connect and commiserate, and more, The Daily Well is a part of our ongoing commitment to help you optimize your health and wellbeing

The Update, delivered every morning at 10 AM and focused each day around a different Dimension of Wellbeing, is filled with fun and informative nibbles and bites to keep you happy, healthy and relaxed during these unusual times.

Learn more about The Daily Well at WellbeingNetwork.org/TheDailyWell.

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