
Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month

Men’s Health Month is commemorated each June and is dedicated to encouraging men to learn and prioritize their overall health and wellbeing. To stress the importance of Men’s Health Month, we sat with a few professionals who work for various service providers the Center for Health & Wellbeing to hear their take on how men…

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How To Be Our Best, Create Connection, and Communicate Effectively

Learn how to align yourself so you can have more energy, regulate your emotions, think more clearly, and handle situations powerfully. There are times when we have experienced being in sync and flowing with a sense of ease through daily challenges. When we are in a coherent flow, things that come up just don’t seem…

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Increasing Self Compassion and Decreasing Negative Self Talk

Licensed mental health counselor Jill Hamilton Buss explores how to focus on increasing self-compassion and decreasing negative self-talk. In this workshop, licensed mental health counselor Jill Hamilton Buss will explore how we can focus on increasing self-compassion and decreasing negative self-talk. If we could all conquer these two challenges (especially for women), we’d be far…

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Tai Chi for Beginners

Join Crosby Wellness Center fitness instructor Jamie Binkley for this fun and relaxing Tai Chi for Beginners Class. Tai Chi has been practiced for centuries to promote overall health, balance and cultivation of the life force called Chi. By learning simple breathing techniques, postures and movements, you can begin your journey towards greater health and…

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Brain Health: Preventing Dementia

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month and, therefore, a great time to check in on our brain health. June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month and, therefore, a great time to check in on our brain health. While it is true that 30 percent of us carry a gene that makes us more susceptible…

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Basics of Strength Training

Join Crosby Wellness Center group fitness instructor KK Swanson to learn how to create a safe and effective strength training routine. Regular strength training is a key component to improving your overall health and wellbeing. Some of its many benefits include increased bone density, improved cardiovascular health and it’s a proven mood and mental health…

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