Digital Education Programming Presented by the
Center for Health & Wellbeing
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Music has always advanced the agenda of change. While rock ’n’ roll artists did not invent the concept of protest music, artists like Chuck Berry, Eddie Cochran and Bob Dylan helped shape the changing of America in the last half of the 20th century. Chuck Berry injected his early, classic rock ’n’ roll songs with sly social commentary and Bob Dylan crafted anthems that endured — songs as relevant in 2021 as they were in the early ‘60s. William McKeen, Boston University professor and American author of “Rock and Roll is Here to Stay,” shared how rock ‘n’ roll music shaped society and how the genre is still impacting protesting in America.
This program was presented by William McKeen and was hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation.
About Your Program Presenter
William McKeen is an American author and educator. He is the author and editor of 13 books, including “Mile Marker Zero”, “Outlaw Journalist”, “Everybody Had an Ocean”, “Highway 61”, “Too Old to Die Young”, and “Rock and Roll is Here to Stay.” He is also a professor and the chairman of the Journalism Department at Boston University, where he teaches Media History, Literary Journalism, Rock ‘n’ Roll History and other courses. McKeen has seven children and lives off the rocky coast of Massachusetts Bay. To learn more about McKeen, please visit