Healthy Holiday Activities for the Whole Family
Posted December 15, 2020 | By admin
This year has brought families many challenges and changes, particularly being at home more with each other. You and your family might be used to traveling over the holidays so it is important to acknowledge that this holiday season might be different for the whole family, too.
When kids are home from school for winter break without any homework, this may also add some extra stress and challenges for you. It’s normal to feel nervous about being at home more with your kids, especially during the holiday season. However, try seeing winter break as an opportunity to schedule some quality time with your children and engage in some new, healthy holiday activities! The important thing to do is plan ahead and have activities picked out that everyone will appreciate. Here are 12 great holiday activities that you and your family can enjoy during the winter break.
1. Visit the Zoo
2. Host an Indoor or Outdoor Movie Marathon (weather permitting)
3. Visit a Museum
4. Have a Spa Day at Home
5. Prepare A Favorite Meal Together
6. Go For A Hike or Bike Ride
7. Do Volunteer Work
8. Write Letters to Neighbors, Family or Friends
9. Start A Garden at Home
10. Have a Board Game Tournament
11. Create A Calming Glitter Jar
12. Use Youtube to Learn A New Skill like Yoga
As a parent, it is important to set realistic expectations for your family during this uncertain time. Prioritize self-care for yourself and your children, lean on others for support when needed, and get up and move as much as possible! While you and your family are staying home during the holidays, a new routine and rhythm will develop over time with these activities. Embrace these changes and be patient with yourself and others!