For years, critically-acclaimed public radio personality John Moe struggled with depression. It plagued his family and claimed the life of his brother in 2007. He began talking about his illness with others and along the way, discovered similar behavior patterns and a community of comfort. He shares what he’s learned, including the power of humor, in his new book, “The Hilarious World of Depression.”
In partnership with Writer’s Block Bookstore and the Center for Health & Wellbeing, Growing Bolder hosts an honest, candid and uplifting conversation with this fresh and inspiring voice in the isolating world of depression. Hosted by award-winning journalist and Growing Bolder Founder Marc Middleton, this Growing Bolder Presents virtual webinar will tackle an issue too important not to discuss. John will share what he’s learned on his journey, including handling depression in the midst of a global pandemic and a time of economic uncertainty. Get inspired to start having honest conversations about your own mental health with those who love you and those who can help you.