Digital Education Programming Presented by the
Center for Health & Wellbeing
Art is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind in a conversation about caregiving. And yet, two of the most important qualities needed for effective caregiving—resilience and empathy—can be built through engagement with art.
Join Ena Heller, Bruce A. Beal director of Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College, as she shares examples of the museum’s collection to illustrate how works of art open doors to acceptance and empathy. You’ll l also learn how artistic self-care is helping others in building resilience and improving quality of life for caregivers throughout the world.
Special Instructions: Participants are encouraged to come with an open mind and visit the Cornell Fine Arts Museum prior to the program to fully experience this program. Admission is free but timed tickets are required. Please visit to register for tickets.
This program is presented by Ena Heller and is hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation.
About Your Program Presenter
Ena Heller is the Bruce A. Beal director of the Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College. She came to Rollins in 2012 from the Museum of Biblical Art (MOBIA) in New York City, where she was founding executive director. Prior to MOBIA, she held positions in the Medieval and Education Departments at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and taught at the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA) and Manhattanville College (Purchase, NY). Her publications include editing the volumes Perspectives on Medieval Art: Learning through Looking and Reluctant Partners: Art and Religion in Dialogue; contributions to History of Jewish Architecture; From the Margins I & II: Women of the Hebrew Bible and their Afterlives/Women of the New Testament and their Afterlives; Women’s Space: Patronage, Place, and Gender in the Medieval Church. Dr. Heller holds a Ph.D. in Art History from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University and is a graduate of the Getty Museum Leadership Institute. She presented papers at numerous museums and universities throughout the country, including at conferences held by the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, Society of Architectural Historians and College Art Association at the Institute of Fine Arts.