Is it possible to play electronic games to exercise your brain? Can commercial, off-the-shelf brain-training games (BTG) offer real results? Studies have been carried out about brain training exercises but what are the results? Has the evidence been produced that those tools train our brain or delay the age-related decline in cognitive abilities? The answer, like many things, is “it depends.” These dependencies and limitations are the focus of this program presented by Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., an award-winning professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, PA. Join us to learn how you can train your brain the right way to help maintain your cognitive abilities and, in a small way, perhaps delay mental aging.
About Your Program Presenter
Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., is an award-winning professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University in Bloomsburg, PA. where he teaches instructional game design, gamification classes and online learning design. He is the Director of Bloomsburg Institute for Interactive Technologies and is recognized internationally as an expert in the application of games, game-thinking and gamification to learning. Karl earned his doctoral degree from the University of Pittsburgh, he’s been a TEDx speaker and is author of 8 books on the convergence of games and learning.