Healthy Homes and Communities Month at the Center for Health & Wellbeing

by Lindsay
June 1, 2021

You’ve heard the phrase “healthy starts at home,” and while entirely accurate, a more apt expression on the source of health is “healthy starts at home and in our communities.” That’s why this June at the Center for Health & Wellbeing we’re focusing on just that – healthy homes and communities. Because how we treat our homes is the microcosm of how, together, we create and maintain communities that are dynamic places where our children, families and all residents can thrive, grow and live healthy, active lives. 

Did You Know?

There are health benefits of cleanliness – and science to back it up! A study from researchers at Indiana University found participants who kept their homes clean were healthier and more active than those who didn’t. 

There are a set of standards found in communities that are classified as “healthy.” Those standards include quality education, safe and healthy homes, adequate employment, transportation options, access to physical activity and nutrition opportunities, and quality health care. 

A 2019 study from Harvard University uncovered 36 tips that were critical to establishing and maintaining a healthy home. The easiest and most impactful? Remove your shoes before entering the home to limit the transfer of dirt, dust and bacteria that collect on shoes’ soles. 

Tips for Helping Create a Healthy Home and Community

Practice healthy habits with your children.
As a reminder, serve meals and snacks with a variety of colorful fruits, veggies and plenty of water. Take a daily hour break from screen time and play active games with friends and family. 

Advocate for your community’s health equity.
Ask your local legislator to support affordable housing and accessibility to transportation like biking and infrastructure like sidewalks or trails for exercising. 

Promote an eco-friendly and clean lifestyle at home by reducing your carbon footprint.
Try joining or starting your own community garden, planting a tree, donating or recycling old clothing and technology, or picking up litter. 

Transform Your Home Into a Place of Wellbeing

In this on-demand program, Certified Health and Wellness Coach Margaret Jasinski reviews each of the Center’s Seven Dimensions of Wellbeing while sharing simple changes you can make in your home. The changes Jasinski shares enhances your likelihood of successfully achieving your goals in each of these Dimensions. To watch this on-demand program only on the Wellbeing Network, please click here.

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