Work Life (Re)Balancing
November 14, 2022 at 6:30 pm - 7:30 PMWhen work takes center stage in your life and you feel continually out of balance, your mental and physical health are at risk. Typically stress rises, sleep suffers, and if not corrected and rebalanced, the pattern can lead to burnout and serious mental and physical health consequences.
In this program, led by licensed mental health counselor Jill Hamilton Buss, you’ll learn strategies to rebalance, ways to manage stress and how to avoid burning yourself out. Jill will also discuss the consequences of not recognizing and rectifying when work and life are out of balance (Hint: Burnout is real and can have very real consequences. You’ll leave with 10 tips and strategies to re-balance life when it starts to teeter and ways to manage stress and avoid burnout.
Program Notes: Participants should be prepared for this program with a journal or paper and a pen for note taking.
This program is presented by Jill Hamilton Buss and is hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation.
About Your Program Presenter
Jill Hamilton Buss is a licensed mental health counselor who works with clients in a holistic way to create optimal wellbeing for mind and body. She offers traditional in-office psychotherapy, life coaching and “Walk and Talk Therapy.” She previously served as the executive director of Healthy Central Florida, an initiative to make our communities the healthiest in the nation. She holds master’s degrees from Rollins College and the University of Florida in Mental Health Counseling and Communications, respectively, and was named one of Winter Park’s Most Influential People in 2016. To learn more, visit her website, jillhamiltonbuss.com or email her at jill@jillhamiltonbuss.com.