Reenergize and Realign Through Breath and Movement
November 9, 2022 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 PMThe demands of caregiving can be rewarding, but they can also lead to a loss of energy as the emotional focus is directed outward. Conscious and intentional breath and movement are the fastest ways to pull ourselves back and reenergize the mind and body. In this program, led by Crosby Wellness Center group fitness instructor Alan Zemel, a certified Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing coach with the Oxygen Research Institute, you’ll learn techniques to consciously modify the breath and move the body that are scientifically proven.
All humans are born with the innate ability to consciously and purposefully restore balance and energy, and in this class, you’ll learn how modifying your breath instantly changes your physiology. Plus, experience first-hand how intentional focused movement can bring peace to the mind.
In honor of November’s National Family Caregivers Month, we invite you to take a moment out of your busy lives to focus on your physical and mental wellbeing in this special program focused on you. Even if you’re not a caregiver, this is a class designed to help you through the challenges we all face in our everyday lives.
This program is presented by Alan Zemel and is hosted by the Winter Park Health Foundation in partnership with the Crosby Wellness Center.
About the Program Presenter
Alan Zemel is a Senior Teacher with The Healer Within Foundation and the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC). Mr. Zemel is also a certified teacher with Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health Institute and a certified Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing coach with the Oxygen Research Institute, Ltd. Mr. Zemel has been engaged with holistic health care modalities for over 25 years. Mr. Zemel’s classes incorporate various breath and movement techniques that teach students how to take control of their own physiology and health/wellbeing. Mr. Zemel’s classes are science-based and provide modern data and research as to why these practices are effective. Students learn not only how to engage in these practices, but why they work. The focus is on how to control various body systems such as the vagus nerve/relaxation response, parasympathetic nervous system, heart rate variability, lymphatic system, and much more.