Sound Bowl Healing

Center for Health & Wellbeing 2005 Mizell Ave, Winter Park

Experience this unique form of meditation for yourself with Crosby Wellness Center’s Nicole Elliott. Join experienced sound healing practitioners from the Peggy & Philip B. Crosby Wellness Center at the Center for Health & Wellbeing for a relaxing guided meditation and sound healing experience. The use of sound therapy has existed across cultures and throughout...


Movement as Medicine Dance Class

Center for Health & Wellbeing 2005 Mizell Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32792, Winter Park

This class incorporates dance and creative movement to address balance, flexibility and spatial awareness for people living with Parkinson’s disease. The AdventHealth class is offered twice a month in person. Please join us! Email to register: [email protected]

Introduction to Barre Fitness

Center for Health & Wellbeing 2005 Mizell Ave, Winter Park

Join Crosby Wellness Center group exercise instructor Tracy Foust to learn the basics of Barre. Barre is a fitness class that is part strength training, Pilates, Ballet and Balance training. Barre workouts target multiple muscle groups with small, isometric exercises. What does this mean? It helps you build lean muscle with tiny incremental movements. Pulsing,...